Re-engineering my … future?

Robert Shilcof
3 min readOct 29, 2020

Why I chose to study software engineering

Deep down, I always knew that I had the potential and abilities to make a significant impact in the Software Engineering Industry. Although challenging and engaging, undertaking a Mechanical Engineering Master’s degree at the University of Bristol only served to clarify this ambition.

As part of the course I had my first taste of computer coding, where implementing efficient and novel coding solutions provided a great sense of satisfaction. As a direct result, in my fourth year, I opted to take the Computer Science module ‘Robotic Systems’ furthering my understanding of computers and developing algorithms to solve the kidnapped robot problem.

After the completion of my degree I embarked upon a professional journey, exploring areas in which to specialise. This began following an offer of an internship in the Technical Competence Centre with Porsche’s regional office in Dubai.

I was presented with the challenge of writing and implementing Microsoft Visual Basic code in order to optimise macros, greatly reducing their operating times. Having no prior knowledge of this coding language, I relished the opportunity to gain additional skills, and the sense of achievement gained highlighted a skills gap I was determined to fill.

In search of greater challenges while with Porsche, I pursued an opportunity to move into a managerial position. As a result of a combination of a tireless work ethic and consistent results, a promotion was supported. This move reaffirmed my desire to gain further skills, this time in a position developing my business administrative ability.

Trusted to work independently and given autonomy to make decisions, I was charged with running a digitalisation workshop with the CEO and tendering companies to brainstorm how to meet the company’s technical goals. Thriving in a fast-paced learning environment, I was asked to be an ambassador for the company; travelling to Mumbai to review plans for emerging business units within India.

From Dubai, I journeyed to Japan and onto Canada where I led a team troubleshooting technical problems associated with electronic passes. Working and exploring job opportunities in different countries and cultures was personally enlightening and allowed the time to clarify that my next career move needed to involve securing a computing qualification.

With the world locked down, I found online courses which varied from learning to write code in Python and JavaScript, as well as information on data science and machine learning — courses which built upon the knowledge gained during my degree course, learning in Dubai, and assisting with the creation and maintenance of a local business’ website problem solving alongside a consultant.

Knowing these courses alone would not allow me to fully realise my ambitions, a long-standing friend and well-regarded software engineer pointed me in the direction of the Flatiron School. I instantly knew that this would be a perfect fit. A combination of a fast work pace, comprehensive syllabus, and working with an inspirational, like-minded cohort is the platform I have been searching for.

Two weeks in and I have never felt more at home. Finding particular satisfaction in advancing through the lessons, eager to discover if the methods I have been envisaging, to be used in place of the basic concepts, are next on the agenda. This anticipation is fuelling my learning, and I don’t want to stop at the end of the day (even though it is the middle of the night) because I cannot wait to find out what comes next…!

